Tuesday 13 December 2016

Hi! This is Leor Vince B. Buo your tour guide for all those place that you want to go with..
For such a young man I decided to be a traveler or shall we say future traveler😂.
I made this blog for those who really want to be a traveler, all I want is to share my knowledge
about all those places that you don't know and those places that you really want. I may be young
but I'm still a traveler.This page contains different kinds of information about tips and values
about traveling.My first tip of being traveler is to get rid of your fear,your pains and most of all
enjoy all the good things that will happen.Don't waste your time for those stressful problems,
kill yourself by excitement and happiness that you will encounter when you see those beautiful
Sites that God made for us.Remember that adventures are the best way to learn and We travel
Not to escape life, but for life not to escape us. We seek and travel to find out who we are and
What is the meaning of life.Swear to God maybe twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the thing you didn't do than by the ones you did do.So throw off your bowlines
sail away from the safe harbor.Catch the trade winds in your sail.

Life is short so enjoy and conserve it.
Love vince😄

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